Monday, October 15

Why the Episcopal Church is in trouble: Exhibit 476(a): Read this letter from October 8 written by the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church regarding the military response to the terrorist attacks. No, it's not that he's against them that's striking. It's that the whole letter is such an excellent example of Missing the Point, of what most Western Christian denominations have devolved into: in response to problems, let's form a commission:

As I shared with the House [a meeting of bishops]while we were in Burlington, I have asked the Rt. Rev. Arthur Walmsley, retired Bishop of Connecticut, to coordinate the activities flowing out from our statement. [ On Waging Reconciliation] Arthur has graciously agreed to give us time through the March meeting of the House of Bishops to serve as Coordinator of the House of Bishops Reconciliation Initiative. At the March meeting we will look at what has already been accomplished and consider future strategies, which are being developed over these next months.

Huh? They're going to talk more about the war in March?

Do read the letter. Laugh. Cry. And mind you, I'm not picking on Episcopalians here. I've had my say on the Catholic bishops, as well. Go to the homepage and click on the article called Swords? Ploughshares?